Say goodbye to rushing to a random accounting office or struggling to find your own tax deductions during tax season!

D. Howard & Associates® provides one of the most seamless processes in e-filing your taxes for you and your business. You will be able to sleep peacefully at night knowing you have a firm assuring your income tax refund arrives quickly and working to find strategies to make sure you are not overpaying in taxes.

No more printing, mailing, and scanning documents - just snap-n-go! As a valued client, you get to chose which seamless process you would like to use in having your taxes filed!

Simple e-filing options include:

1) Use our secure app with ease in uploading documents, a direct form of communication, and automatic notifications of updates on the progress of your tax return. (DOWNLOAD HERE)

2) Fill out and answer our simple tax filing questionnaire with your tax information (CLICK HERE)

Tax services include:

  • Personal Tax Preparation

  • Business Tax Preparation

  • Tax Savings Strategies

  • Tax Debt Resolution

Tax Refund benefits for our clients:

  • Receive your refund quickly with NO upfront costs!

  • Have the option to receive part of your tax refund as an advance in the amount to your likeness.

  • You can decide if you want your refund to arrive via direct deposit, a check, or a prepaid card.